
Friday, January 5, 2024

Frugal Friday File 2024, January 5...


1.  I was cleaning my glasses the other day, and they snapped in half at the nose piece.  I had seen the optometrist at the end of August (I did not get new glasses at that time as there was only minimal change in prescription from previous year), so I called their office and asked them to email me my current prescription.  My daughter has used Zenni Optical (.com), and recommended that I give them a try.  I picked out frames, sent an image of my prescription, entered my pupil location (that Kasey measured with a card for that purpose that she had received from them with her previous order), and clicked 'submit order.'  Total was $166, which I believe was about half of what I paid for my last pair purchased locally.  I'll let you know how they work out after they arrive.

Oh, and I'm wearing an old pair in the meantime.  Things are a little fuzzy, but I can read and get along.

2.  I applied for a credit card through our grocery store.  It will be solely dedicated to use for groceries and eating out.  I just need a simpler way to track our food spending.  It has no annual fees, and pays 5% back for store-brand purchases and 1.5% back for all other purchases.  Like our other card, this one will also be paid off monthly and not carry a balance.

3.  We've been sticking close to home this week.  I went to Wal-Mart on Sunday (5-ish miles) to get eggs, some composition books, and shampoo; to Kasey's (1 mile) for our New Year's black-eyed peas supper, and I drove to the office (2 miles) yesterday.  I think that is the extent of my outings this week.

4.  Have done well with using up things in the refrigerator.  Roasted vegetables used up a lot from the vegetable drawer.  I had made too much quinoa late last week for a salad, used the remainder in kale salad yesterday.  Ate leftovers for lunches and one dinner.

Also peeled a garlic bulb and separated and peeled all cloves and added to the jar of same that was already in the freezer.  I've always stored garlic bulbs at room temperature, but often they went unused before too late.  I find keeping them in olive oil too messy for me, so when I read that the peeled cloves could be frozen and taken out individually as needed and take just a few minutes to thaw enough to dice, I was all over that.

5.  We haven't been out to eat or picked up take-out.

On the menu this week: 

Saturday:  Spanish Rice

**Sunday:  Roasted Vegetable Pasta (meatless)

Monday:  New Year's supper at Kasey & Beau's

Tuesday:  leftovers

Wednesday:  Mexican Cornbread

**Thursday:  Kale Salad Bowl (with quinoa, hard-boiled egg, pecans, sweet potato, avocado, and mushrooms) 

Friday: home cooked meal from freezer


  1. You had some big wins this past week! I didn’t know you could freeze fresh garlic - great tip.

    1. I read about the garlic in the comments on Non-Consumer Advocate a few months ago. They did say not to store in plastic bag or else the whole freezer starts smelling like garlic. I just pop them in a jelly jar with screw top, and shake out 2 or 3 cloves as needed. After about 5 minutes thawing, they dice quite easily.

  2. Another thank you for the garlic tip. Great frugal start to the new year. Would you please PM me the details about your new credit card? Is it a Visa/Mastercard from the store? That's a great idea to track food expenses.


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