
Sunday, January 7, 2024

Seven random thoughts on the 7th...

1.  Is anyone besides me thinking about unplugging till the election is over?  At least I'm not working much these days, so don't have to worry about accidentally rolling my eyes at client comments.  :)

2.  I had to cancel attending quilting at the library tomorrow.  Friday I got a call from someone at another local branch that needed to take a day off unexpectedly.  I love this branch and the people there, and I kind of owe them a favor, so was happy to do it.

3.  Cleaned out the freezer yesterday, and found I had what was needed to make a favorite dessert for granddaughter who is home from college.  Thought I would make it for Sunday family supper before she heads back to school.

4.  Rudy is loving the new sofa...and he's crowding me.  This is how I'm typing trying to type at the moment.  It's sweet and all, but in the summer, it will be too hot!  

5.  My Christmas present from Kasey in 2022 was an Aura picture frame.  It is digital and SO awesome.  She gave one to my mother-in-law a year or two before that, and I hinted heavily that I would like one.  I don't frame a lot of photos to display.  Now I just need the one.

With this one, you can send photos straight from your phone to the frame.  And not just that, but you can invite others to send photos from their phones to the frame too.  You can set the time for each photo to stay on screen, I think I have mine set for 15 minutes, then it switches to the next one.  It's really cool, and you can do all the setting of controls from an app on your phone.

Sounds like an add, it's not.  Oh, and if you are wondering why I am just now mentioning it when I've had it for over a year.  I just got around to setting it up.  It was really easy, so I have no excuse for putting it off so long.

6. Whoopee!  Tonight is Sunday night!.  Such a good night for PBS programs.

7.  I'm probably the last woman on the planet to know this, but I recently found a little sticky sleeve that sticks on the back of my phone. I keep my drivers license and my debit card in there, and now I don't have to carry a purse.  I always wear slacks with pockets, so I don't lay it down anywhere.  I'm going to have to add my food-expense credit card to it, and I hope it won't be too tight.


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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