
Thursday, January 11, 2024

Throwback Thursday...

I came across this photo a few days ago.  This was not too long after we brought Rudy home.  He loved that monkey so much...he went through several of them.  That was back when stuffed toys lasted for awhile.  These days no stuffed varmint is safe; he must save us from them immediately.  

I bought him a stuffed bear for Christmas that was ridiculously expensive.  I bought it because the selling point was that it was indestructible; which made me think that it might last a couple of days.  It lasted about a half hour.  But once it had been eviscerated, and the squeaker and stuffing had been gathered up and safely discarded, he continues to be happy with the carcass.  Carrying it around, offering it to us for our admiration.

Sadly I bought one for my daughter's dog as well, and that one only lasted twenty minutes.

But this photo makes me smile.  It's like they were playing a game of mirror...all those limbs thrown akimbo.  And Rudy's belly was pink and unblemished.  Now he has age spots on his tummy and all over really.  He has gray hair around his eyes and muzzle.  He's going to be eight in April.  


  1. Oh Rudy! Glad to here he is enjoying his Christmas toy now anyway.

    1. I have an idea for a toy I think can last longer. I'm eager to try it, but it means breaking out the sewing machine.

  2. Malone has a carcass left from Christmas too!

  3. LOL They are so entertaining aren't they?

  4. My son's dog loves stuffed animals with squeakers. First thing he goes for when he gets a new toy. I once got him a bear with eight squeakers in it. He had it squeaker free in an hour but he was happy to do it.

    1. Hi, Ellen! They are in their element when going after varmints! :)


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