
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

What I'm STILL reading Wednesday...


Hild by Nicola Griffith

OMG this is taking forever!  I listen to the Audible version, then move back to my Kindle, and trust it to sync.  I read for a looooooong while, then realize that I've already heard what I'm reading.  Which I guess it's okay that I'm re-reading, because obviously listening to Audible version while I'm working meant I was too distracted by the job being done to pay attention.  So I'm plugging along.

Honestly, I'm not loving it, but I'm almost 3/4 through it and hate to stop now.  It has been keeping me company while I'm recovering from the garage clean out.  THAT was incredibly hard on my body.  Sore muscles and joints are slowing me down, and I'm still doing things like laundering found items (some to keep and some to donate) and finding homes for things that I want to use in the house.   Working also for a paycheck on Th/Fr and then Mo/Tu/Wed.  I will get back to a follow up on the garage results, but, you know, I also have a book to finish.

And did I mention this book is 700+ pages?  Oh, I did?  Well, okay.

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