
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Garage...found some surprises...

So far I have found...
My original Ken and Barbie!  I gave all of their wardrobes to a niece along with Midge and Skipper, etc.  I thought these went along with the rest, but I guess not.  

Barbie is wearing a classic little vintage handmade number, but Ken appears to have become a nudist in his dotage.

Three hanging bags of jewelry.  Lots of my mom's. Lots from the 80s (buh-bye!)  Most will go, but I'm waiting to go through later.

But I was happy to find these special ones.  The pendant of the one on the left was my high-school-graduation gift from my first grade teacher.💝  I added the cord and beads.  I'll be taking the pendant off, shine it up, and put it on a chain.

The two on the right are hand carvings by the father of a dear friend.  He was a sweet and talented man.

These are crocheted bead necklaces.  My mother made the one on the right.  The left and middle ones were given to me by a former brother-in-law.  I believe he said his grandmother made them.  My impression of them from the beads themselves used in the strands is that they could be from the 1920s or 30s.  I have texted my niece a photo and stated my intent to give them to her.  I also asked her to talk to her father about who exactly made them and when (if he knows) so she has that information.

This little pin measures about one inch square.  I'm pretty sure it was a birthday gift to my mother since she was born on St. Patrick's Day.  I've always loved it...even though it is a four-leaf clover and not a shamrock.


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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