
Saturday, September 14, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, September 13...


1.  I worked one day this week.  I was supposed to work two, but the elevator was out on Monday, and I (and my knees) just didn't feel up to making several trips up and down the stairs through the day, and my boss took pity on me.  The second day the techs fixed it before lunch, so I just had to contend with one trip up the stairs.

2.  I rebooked flight reservations to take the trip that I had to cancel in May.  I had been able to cancel the first trip with no penalties, prices were about the same when I rebooked, and the flight schedule is much more to my liking than the first booking.  So excited to see my friend!

3.  I finished a book that was purchased at $1.99 for Kindle a year ago.  I'm terrible about forgetting about digital books.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I'm trying to remember to check my backlog before choosing something to read.

4.  I managed to convince Carey to try a flavor of store-brand ice cream.  He ONLY wants Blue Bell, but I saw a flavor of the store brand that I knew he couldn't resist trying.  I thought it was fine.  He said it was 'almost' fine, but has a different texture.  The store has drastically cut back on the number of flavors of Blue Bell they carry, and I am getting bored with the ones available.  The store brand offers some different flavors, a lower price per half gallon, AND earning 5% back on its price on the store's credit card.

5.  I checked subscriptions to make sure I'm not paying for something we are no longer using.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  ?

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  subscription meal that has been in the freezer, and a salad

Tuesday:  A homecooked meal from the freezer

Wednesday:  ?

Thursday:  Dinner out with family

Friday:  Spanish Rice

**designates meatless meal

1 comment:

  1. My Kindle is loaded, and I keep forgetting to check there when I'm looking for something to read.


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