
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

What I'm reading Wednesday...

Hild by Nicola Griffith

The setting is 7th century Britain.  I bought the ebook for $1.99 awhile back.  I read for a couple of days, and only racked up 8% according to my Kindle reading progress.  The names and other words in Old English are a stumbling block for me.  Oh, and did I mention that it is over 700 pages long?

Since I'm working in the garage this week, I sprung for a month of Audible.  (I previously used the free 30-day subscription years ago, and apparently that is a one-time offer.)  I also bought the audible version of the book since it wasn't on their free-credit list.  Those two things are a chunk of my entertainment budget for the month, but I cut myself some slack since it will keep me working in the garage more than if I was wanting to come inside to the A/C and read.  Plus having it narrated should do away with my struggle with the Old English.

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