
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Garage clean out...


This is my parking spot in our garage.  I have been parking outside for years because of this mess.  Carey parks in his spot, and in bad weather he moves my car into his workshop, but my clutter remains where I should be parking my car.

A lot of these things are from my mother's house.  When we lived in the country, we had storage buildings it could stay out of sight and out of mind.  When we moved here, we rented storage for awhile...too long.  Carey finally put it where he thought I would have to deal with it.    Over the years I have let go of some things, but as you can see there's a lot I haven't.  This week I am making another go of it...GO being the operative word here.

I bought a metal shelving unit.  I am determined to ONLY keep what will fit on the shelves.  I spent today assembling them and putting them into place (though the unit rolls, and Carey can move it later if he wants to).  I moved some chairs and some other large-ish things from the edges of the stash;  I am ready to let them go, so I dusted them off and they will be taken to Goodwill.

It was in the high 90s again today, and will be in the mid 90s for the rest of the week (forecast to go down by about 1 degree each day).  I know, I know, my mojo shows up at very unexpected times.  I am taking breaks often, and staying hydrated.

If I find anything interesting, I'll share.  If I can park inside by the end of the week (fingers crossed), I'll share that too.


  1. Go you! It was a good idea to start with larger items as you have quick payoff and they are simpler to decide than say going through a box of memorabilia.

    1. It was your garage organizing post that made me think it was time. And boy you are not kidding about the big things being easier than a box of 'stuff'. I have spent tonight going through & shredding a box of files...blech! Out of all of that, I found ONE thing I thought I should keep. LOL

  2. I think decluttering is a process, really. Never a "one and done". And I am leaning more and more into a moderate minimalism mindset (what a mouthful!) that allows me to enjoy what I have and store NOTHING. Otherwise, what is the point of owning stuff? You can totally do this - sounds like you have a plan!

    1. Thank you! I'm hanging in there, and feel good about everything so far. Just call me Elsa (♫ Let it go. ♫. Let it go. ♫)

  3. A friend of mine has two exchange students, one from Georgia and one from the Netherlands. They were amazed at the storage unit facilities here in the US. I guess it's not a European thing!

    1. I can totally believe that with our consumer-obsessed society. It is sort of absurd how much space and money goes into storage facilities...they are everywhere!


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