
Saturday, September 14, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, September 13...


1.  I worked one day this week.  I was supposed to work two, but the elevator was out on Monday, and I (and my knees) just didn't feel up to making several trips up and down the stairs through the day, and my boss took pity on me.  The second day the techs fixed it before lunch, so I just had to contend with one trip up the stairs.

2.  I rebooked flight reservations to take the trip that I had to cancel in May.  I had been able to cancel the first trip with no penalties, prices were about the same when I rebooked, and the flight schedule is much more to my liking than the first booking.  So excited to see my friend!

3.  I finished a book that was purchased at $1.99 for Kindle a year ago.  I'm terrible about forgetting about digital books.  Out of sight, out of mind.  I'm trying to remember to check my backlog before choosing something to read.

4.  I managed to convince Carey to try a flavor of store-brand ice cream.  He ONLY wants Blue Bell, but I saw a flavor of the store brand that I knew he couldn't resist trying.  I thought it was fine.  He said it was 'almost' fine, but has a different texture.  The store has drastically cut back on the number of flavors of Blue Bell they carry, and I am getting bored with the ones available.  The store brand offers some different flavors, a lower price per half gallon, AND earning 5% back on its price on the store's credit card.

5.  I checked subscriptions to make sure I'm not paying for something we are no longer using.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  ?

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  subscription meal that has been in the freezer, and a salad

Tuesday:  A homecooked meal from the freezer

Wednesday:  ?

Thursday:  Dinner out with family

Friday:  Spanish Rice

**designates meatless meal

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What I'm reading Wednesday...


Blood & Ink by Joe Pompeo

I've had this one on my Kindle for quite awhile.  I'm trying to read the ones that have been lingering.  I originally bought it because a friend thought it sounded like something I'd like.  I put it on my Amazon book wish list, and eventually it went on sale for a dollar or two.

It's not bad, but I don't love it.  It follows the case in the early 1920s, of an Episcopal priest and one of his church members who were shot dead on a lovers' lane.  The tabloid newspapers were brand new to the media, and they and the other newspapers kept reporters on the case continually.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, September 6...


1.  I have worked four (4!) days this week.  It gets harder every time to get up early and get ready.  :)  But still, it's money in.

2.  This week exhausted me (insomnia played a big part in that), and no way did I feel able to cook at the end of the day.  Thankful for the forethought of homecooked meals in the freezer.

3.  No shopping happened this week (online or otherwise).

4.  Another week has gone by without needing to refill the car's gas tank.

5.  I realized that something I have been stressing the importance of to my grandchildren could be accomplished if I made it my birthday wish!  I texted my daughter and granddaughters, telling them that the only gift I wanted from them was that the girls come home from college at the end of their classes that week, and as it falls during early voting, that we go as a group and all vote together!  They all agreed, and so we have a plan!  

I clearly remember the first time I voted in a presidential election, and it will mean a lot to me to be part of the grandgirls' memories of the first time they vote.  The boys/men can come with us if they like, but frankly if they don't want to that would be fine with me, because I don't want my vote cancelled out as quick as I cast it.  We are a bipartisan family.  :)

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Sunday:  pot pies

Monday:  grazed the fridge

Tuesday:  takeout burgers

Wednesday:  homemade meal from the freezer

Thursday:  homemade meal from the freezer

Friday:  homemade meal from the freezer

**designates meatless meal

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fall decor...

A friend told me the other day that she was going to put out her fall decor and hope it would bring some cooler weather...or at least fool our minds into feeling cooler?

This weekend I put out this autumn leaves arrangement, and our framed pumpkin jigsaw puzzle  went on the mantle.

Today our high temperature was only 86°, and now after dark it's in the 70s!  That is the earliest little cool front we've had in my memory.  Usually it is around September 20.

I think I have a new Labor Day tradition!  :)

PS:  I just texted my friend to tell her it worked for me.  She admitted that she had not followed through on decorating, but they had cooler weather too.  Of course, she's in Colorado, and I'm in South Texas, so I think her cooler temps might have been location, but mine was definitely the decor!  LOL


What I'm reading Wednesday...


Standing Dead - Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #8
by Margaret Mizushima

This is the last book in this far...but the newest one will be out in October, so thought I could read this one without fear that I might be saying goodbye to the characters for a long while.

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