
Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday musings...

The cupboard is getting bare.  But I did have four sweet potatoes that were starting to sprout.  I cleaned them up and put them in to bake.  While they were in the oven, I grilled some sausage and onions.  When potatoes were done, I sliced them open, added butter to each, added some grated parmesan and grated mozzarella, and then topped with the grilled sausage and onions.  They were yummy, and we have two left over.

I cleaned out the fridge.  I won't lie, there was some food waste, but since tomorrow morning is the trash pickup as well as my grocery order pick up, I threw away  some way outdated cottage cheese and some chicken that got pushed to the back a long time ago, but that was about it.

I've not been reading.  I had to return my last book to the library today unread.  

I have continued to work a bit every day in the craft room...decluttering and organizing.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

My mother-in-law has still not been buried.  Repeated heavy rain in the area of the cemetery, and they can't dig without risk of damage to adjoining filled plots and/or headstones.  Hoping maybe next week.

1 comment:

  1. I've tried to space my requests from the library so I don't end up sending back anything unread.


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