
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Beloved Texas traditional fare...

Last night Jared and Diego were both available to come have dinner with us.  Jared is off of work this week, and Diego is housesitting nearby.  Diego has always been the grandson who is most like his Uncle Jared (in so many ways).

They both love chicken fried steak, so I knew I could lure them over for it.  I hardly ever make it any more; it's a lot of work and a lot of clean up!  These days I don't often have the majority of burners going as well as an assembly line of ingredients lined up on the counter.  

It was worth it for the hugs and satisfied smiles.  They even stuck around for a game of Scrabble afterword.  And there is enough steak left over for sandwiches (my favorite thing about doing all the work is the sandwich the next day), so they are invited back for lunch today.

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