
Friday, June 28, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, June 28...


1.  Phone (land line)/Internet/Cable bill usually runs $230 a month.  =O  We receive Ph/I/C through a co-op. Once a year they return capital credits; we've been customers for twenty plus years so get a nice chunk...still not enough to pay the whole bill, but this month's bill totaled only $10.38.  Yes, I know that $230 a month for the rest of the year is too much to pay, but we are kind of over a barrel, in that the community's contract with the co-op makes the co-op the SOLE provider of internet service in this area.  Note to self:  Call co-op to discuss price for ONLY internet, since we don't use landline, and maybe we can do without cable.

2.  Thanks goodness the book I showed on What I'm Reading Wednesday was free, because it is really not my cup of tea.  I won't be finishing it.

3.  Still haven't gone for a haircut.  It doesn't look great, but surprisingly it doesn't look horrible.  

4.  Is continuing to put off laundry a water saving measure?  If yes, then I'm rockin' it!

5.  FAIL:  After dinner on Thursday I packaged the leftovers for a meal for the freezer, and set it out to cool.  After watching the debate, I completely forgot about putting it in the fridge.  Realized my mistake about midnight.  I was afraid to risk eating it, so that was a huge waste.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  Chicken Spaghetti Especiál

Sunday:  Sunday Supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Easy Enchilada Casserole

Tuesday:  leftovers w/ non-leftover sauteed squash

Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday:  Italian Baked Chicken, Seasoned Rice, Green Beans

Friday:  takeout Tex-Mex

**designates meatless meal


  1. Our cable and internet bill wasn’t as high as yours but we did drop cable ( no landline here) which only reduced it by less than a third. Hubby bought and indoor tv antenna of some sort to get some channels and subscribes to Netflix. It is working for him. I very rarely watch tv so I don’t miss cable at all.

    1. I have kept cable this long only because husband is a baseball fanatic...or maybe I should say a fanaddict. Son-in-law has made available viewing alternative, but husband says it is too difficult.


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