
Friday, June 21, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, June 21...


1.  The plumber was supposed to come this morning, but had an emergency visit elsewhere.  We haven't heard from them since then, so we are still waiting.  Ours is just for replacing parts on some leaking faucets, so I'm willing to wait.  The replacement parts had to be ordered, as the identical faucets throughout the house are a really good quality, but parts are not readily available for them these days, and we have several that have small leaks .  It reminds me of the time we had an issue with the kitchen faucet in our very first house.  It had been built during the 1940s when all metal was going toward the war effort instead of more everyday uses at home; when the house was built, things like faucets were few and far between.  Our kitchen faucet was not made for a kitchen, it was made for a scientific laboratory.  That makes me smile today.  I loved that house, and I loved the plumber for telling me that story.

There is really nothing frugal about this #1, except maybe putting off writing the check to the plumber for another day or maybe next week.  Unless you consider home maintenance as falling under "a stitch in time saves nine" adage.

2.  I completed a menu plan and grocery order, and I picked the order up this morning.  Sadly there were no great deals going at the market this week, but having groceries to cook at home is better than eating out.

3.  I heard on the radio this morning (while I was picking up grocery order) that the 'creative reuse' shop that I like to make donations to and occasionally shop (think Goodwill for craft supplies) has an upcoming class on mending.  I thought they said darning, so I thought it might be worth attending.  When I checked their website, the class was $35 and was for visible mending, like patches, yes, but embellished to have a funky vibe.  From the photos of projects, I decided it wasn't really my interest, so kept that money in my pocket.  And I continue to be forever grateful to my sewing mentor, who taught me for free how to mend as a young mother whose son went through knees of jeans like they were made of the finest silk rather than sturdy denim.  :)

4.  When I got home and put away groceries, I immediately put a chicken from the order into the slow cooker.  I'm about to go get it out and debone.  I will have chicken cooked and ready for meals later in the week as well as for tonight's supper.

5.  I woke up in the wee hours this morning to a HIGHLY realistic dream of there being a fire somewhere in the house with smoke swirling visibly.  It took me a few minutes to awaken and realize that I didn't smell smoke, and that the wisps were disappearing.  I was unable to return to sleep for hours just in case it was really smoldering silently somewhere.  It wasn't.  But I am so very thankful that it was just a nightmare and not a reality.  Not having your house on fire is definitely frugal!

On the menu this week:

**Saturday:  leftovers

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey and Beau's

Monday:  Homemade BLTs

Tuesday:  Homemade Pizza

Wednesday:  takeout Chinese

Thursday:  Frito Pie

Friday:  Homemade Chicken Quesadillas w/ grilled onion & bell pepper and guacamole

**designates meatless meal


  1. Love the story about the faucet made for a science lab. Don’t you wish the back story of how they came to get it was known!

    1. I do wish I knew! This was very near our hometown which was a college town. I always kind of imagined a poor professor or graduate student or custodian trading one from a storage closet for something else the college needed. I have a vivid imagination. :)

  2. Glad the fire was only in your dream!


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