
Friday, May 31, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, May 31...


1.  Tonight I pulled things out of the pantry and fridge to make a homemade thin-crust pizza.  I had accidentally added two bags of shredded mozzarella to our last grocery order instead of one, so the second one needed a good use. I had a package of pepperoni that needed using.  I had 3 slices of fried bacon (leftover from breakfast-for-dinner night).  An onion.  A small can of mushrooms, as well as one of sliced ripe olives.  I found a recipe awhile back for thin crust (which Carey prefers), and boy is it easy.  I can mix the ingredients and pat it out while the oven preheats, and then pre-bake the crust for 5 minutes.  While it's in the oven I thinly sliced the onion and opened jars and cans.  Crust out and I added sauce and toppings and baked for 15 to 20 more minutes.  Thirty minutes total and it was done.  It was ready to eat much quicker than waiting for delivery or driving to pick one up, and MUCH less expensive!

2.  Son-in-law brought me three pair of shorts that had various degrees of mending needed in a rush.  One needed just a button which he had lost.  One needed the zipper restitched.  One needed a zipper repair or a new zipper; after watching and trying several YouTube videos, I deemed that pair a lost cause, so I clipped the button from the fly, and pinned a note to that pair that the repair was above my skill set (at least in a rush).  I put the clipped button onto the pair that needed one, and called that a win.  Then I restitched the zipper where its seam had come undone.  I delivered them all back to him within 24 hours.  Frugal for him, good practice for me, and he thinks I'm amazing.  :)

3.  Kasey brought us a loaf of banana bread on Monday.  I already had breakfast-for-dinner plans, so it made an excellent addition, and great snacks the next couple of days.

4.  The houseplants I bought in March are all still alive, and the ones in the living room are getting ginormous!  I missed the ones from work more than I thought I did, because I have really enjoyed watching these thrive.  Either I've gotten better at plant care, or I lucked into choosing really hardy ones.

5.  I'm working at decluttering the crap craft room.  Taking a couple of boxes to the creative re-use center for donation.  Slow and steady wins the race?

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  Supper out (and our granddaughter waited on our table).

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Breakfast for supper

Tuesday:  Spanish Rice

Wednesday:  Tex-Mex out

Thursday:  takeout sandwiches

Friday:  homemade pizza


  1. Pizza making, mending and plant growing skills for the win! Can you post a link to the pizza crust recipe?

    1. Will do! If I can't find the link, I will post the recipe.

  2. My crap room needs a major overhaul. I just can't seem to get in the mood.


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