
Friday, June 7, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, June 7...


1.  Several months ago I tried moving a shelf from my closet to the craft room.  It works adequately in the craft room, but I really miss the flow my closet had with it in there, so it is going back into closet service.  I've ordered an IKEA shelf for the craft room which I will pick up this morning.  Happily it had a recent hefty price reduction, and I ordered it for pick up at the door, so I won't have any impulse purchases.  I'm happy that I experimented with using what I had before buying.

2.  A talented friend recently sent me an incredible card that I wanted to try my hand at for someone's birthday this week.  My friend alerted me to the fact that it was kind of finicky to deal with all the measurements and cuts, and that after making one, she bought a die that cut out the pieces.  I looked for the die, and it was $35, which after making the card I would say is a fair price.  But I'm happy to have completed mine without the expenditure...though I may budget for it in the future.  It folds flat and fits in an envelope, so I'm happy.

my version

3.  Carey is attending another funeral several hours away today.  He is making the round trip in one day avoiding a hotel bill.

4.   The heat has set in here, and I was up for a change in wardrobe.  I reached deep into the closet, and pulled out a pair of capri slacks.  Capris aren't my favorite look, but these were purchased for a trip several years ago, and worn very, very seldom since.  Carey saw me in them and said I looked cute.  Using what I have.

5.  Continuing to work on clutter reduction.  Making an effort to put things where they belong or rehome.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  leftovers

Sunday:  takeout chicken

Monday:  Baked sweet potato with grilled sausage and onions

Tuesday:  Chicken Curry w/ rice

Wednesday:  Chicken Fried Steak w/ Cream Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Corn

Thursday:  leftovers

Friday:  leftovers


  1. I love your menus, everything sounds great. I am a big fan of shopping what I have, including my closets. (:

    1. I love to cook as long as I don't have to clean up. :) And I like shopping what I have, even if I love where it is used originally, at least I know if it does the job in the new location and need a duplicate or completely different thing.

  2. What an amazing card! I do like capris but find loose dresses better on hot days although I don’t wear dresses any other times of year.

    1. Thanks, Juhli! The heat here is SO horrid that my plus-size self can't take the thigh chafing. TMI? LOL

  3. That's an impressive card you've made without a die!

    1. Thanks, Pamela! Once the 'construction' part was done, it was a fun one!


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