
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Last Week in Pictures...

Card for oldest longest-time friend (since we were 10)

Wordle in ONE!

Homemade Chicken Quesadillas

Rock, Paper, Scissors loser...Bwahahaha!
He wanted me to wear that hideous jewelry; 
we played, he lost.
I love my son-in-law!

I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. DeMille.
Amazing what Rudy will do for cheese.  :)



  1. Rudy is adorable! I have never played Wordle, will have to check it out.

    1. It's a daily occurrence at our house for both of us. I didn't get it at all was a tricky one.

  2. Love all of 5hem but you SIL’s is priceless.


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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