
Friday, April 12, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, April 12...

1.  I filled in two days this week at my previous branch.  Good thing, as I had mandatory training due by the 18th.  Money in!

2.  Kasey finished doing our taxes (bless her, she is the good child this week for sure!)  We were pleasantly surprised to be getting a nice refund this year.  We weren't sure which way it would go since this is the first year we are both retired, and were kind of experimenting with how much withholding we set up.

3.  Jared's car went into the shop for repairs on Wednesday, so he borrowed Carey's truck to drive to work that day.  Then yesterday, though he was off, they were having a going away party at work for one of his co-workers that he wanted to be there for.  He borrowed my car this time, as I wanted nothing more than a stay-home-and-read-all-day kind of day.  How was this frugal for us?  He filled both the truck and my car up with gasoline as a thank you (and mine was really getting low).  Maybe HE'S the good child this week.  ;)

4.  An old friend of Kasey's lost her dad this week.  I asked Kasey if I should take some food over.  She said Beau was barbecuing to take them a meal, so she suggested maybe I could make a dessert to go with it.  They even picked it up to deliver for me.  

I had everything on hand to make my favorite sheet cake recipe.  I never like to deliver a meal in a container that will have to be returned; and though I didn't have a large foil cake pan, I had two of about half the size of a 9" x 13" sheet pan.  I split the batter between those two, and iced each. Now if they had a lot of meals delivered, they can freeze one or both, or share with her brother's family.

5.  Tomorrow is Kasey's birthday.  I've had her birthday gift planned for and purchased months ago.  Not extravagant, but a little work intensive.  Hope we can pull it off and keep it a surprise.  I'll try to remember to snap a photo or two.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  leftovers

Sunday:  Sunday family dinner at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  takeout Schlotzky sandwiches

Tuesday:  frozen Bertolli pasta meal from the freezer

Wednesday:  takeout Tex-Mex

Thursday:  Smoked Sausage with Roasted Potatoes & Butternut Squash

Friday:  leftovers


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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