
Friday, February 19, 2021

The Frugal Friday File 2021, week 7...


1.  Nineteen days into the month, and still no non-grocery online ordering by me!  I'm on the downhill side now.

2.  No meals out this week.  Of course, no restaurants are open in our winter-disaster weather conditions.  :)  I've been able to cook a little, but have to think it through first as no water for handwashing or clean up as I go.  Also I'm about out of cookware.  Ugh, there is going to be a massive dish washing job to do when the water is back on.

3.  Carey found out he will be getting a bonus after all this year.  It will be set aside for property taxes at year's end.

4.  Extremely low amounts of gasoline were consumed this us, yes, but also state wide!

but on the not-frugal side

5.   There will be plumbing bills; not sure how much that may run.  Have read that electric bills will rise.  And my car's windshield spontaneously cracked...small for now but will spread.  


Here's a little frugal bonus for ya:  my recipe for
Winter Disaster Broccoli Cheese Soup
  • 2 to 3 cups frozen broccoli florettes
  • 1/2 cup salted butter
  • 2/3 cup dried milk powder
  • 4 to 5 cups water (all total)
  • 2 Tablespoons flour
  • 3 slices Kraft American cheese
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • salt & pepper to taste
If you are in an disaster situation, just guess at the measurements, 'cause ain't nobody gotta dirty up more dishes than necessary when rinse water is a luxury you cannot afford.

In your last clean large saucepan, bring  approximately half of the water (with a dash of salt added) to a boil (I used distilled water, because that's the consumable water we had open at the moment).  Add frozen broccoli florettes (if they are a little frosty from being in the freezer for awhile, no problemo), add a stick of salted butter (it can be frozen solid, just throw it in there, it'll melt).  Turn down heat to medium low and let simmer covered for 10 minutes.  Place the flour in a relatively clean bowl and slowly add 1/2 cup of the remaining water while beating with a fork till smooth; set aside.  Remove lid from broccoli pan.  Do NOT drain!  Begin stirring the broccoli in its water, and slowly add the dried milk powder while stirring so it doesn't form lumps.  Then add the flour/water mixture and stir till thickened.  Add the rest of the water as needed until a not-too-thick consistency (if you don't use all the water, for goodness sake don't absent mindedly toss it down the drain; you'll be thirsty tomorrow!)  Remove wrappers from the fake cheese slices that have been in the refrigerator drawer since I don't remember when (those things never mold!)  Tear it into strips and toss most of them in the saucepan, but accidentally drop a bite or two for the begging pup at your feet.  Add the shredded cheese, and stir till melted.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Serve in soup mugs, and top with stale salad croutons from the pantry.  

One-pot cooking in its finest hour.  The hubs would never be able to tell it from the bechamel-based version I usually make...but then he's not a big fan of broccoli, so I don't serve it to him often.


  1. Your soup sounds really good despite all the limitations you were faced with. Hope you get water back soon.

    1. Thanks, Juhli. Tomorrow I'll be taking laundry and dirty dishes to my daughter's, and I'll take a shower while I'm there. I'll come home with clean clothes, clean dishes, and clean me! :)


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