
Friday, February 12, 2021

The Frugal Friday File 2021, week 6...


1.  Twelve days into February, and I'm still holding strong on not placing any online orders.  I did place a grocery order for curbside pick up, but I said at the beginning that I was not going to count groceries.  I did waver on a Kindle book, but when I was looking at it on Amazon, a popup informed me that I already own it.  Whew!  :)

2.  I predict we will have a large electric bill next month.  Today through this weekend is COLD, and Monday has a predicted low of single digits and a high in the low 20s.  Brrrrr.  But we will be hibernating at home for the weekend and Presidents' Day holiday with home cooking...homemade pizza, soups, and casserole are on the menu...maybe even some baking to help warm the hearth and home.

3.  A few months ago I ordered what I thought was a mask kit, but was instead a large cut of washable mask lining material with static charge to better hold on to airborne particles in the fiber so there's less chance of it getting through.  Since we don't have any vaccine in our foreseeable future, and since they are encouraging double masking with the new variant that is now in our local area, (and frankly I imagine mask use is likely long term) I think I will be making more masks this weekend putting my past inadvertent purchase to good use.

4.  We were due to have our water well's 3000 gallon storage tank replaced this week, but the weather put the kibosh on that for now.  We will have to dish out the money eventually, but not this week.

5.  Planned overs.  Last night I made chili for homemade Frito Pie.  The leftover chili will make enchiladas for supper in a day or two; the leftovers of which will make a meal or two for Carey to take to work.

1 comment:

  1. You had a great week and now you've got me wanting enchiladas!


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