
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

What I'm Reading Wednesday...

I've been a busy reader this week.  And actually got a few chores done around the house too, as most of these were fairly quick reads.

Hanging Ruth Blay by Carolyn Marvin
Interesting fact-based story of the pre-Revolutionary New Hampshire trial of a woman who gave birth to a child out of wedlock.

Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen
Not so interesting story of a woman who escaped her abusive policeman/husband with the help of a network of volunteers.  I was expecting maybe something along the lines of Sleeping With the Enemy, but this had very little in the way of tension.

Burned by Ellen Hopkins
 This was a YA novel.  The first half was okay, the second half was cheesy, and the end was unimaginative and irresponsible.
The whole novel was a little outside the comfort-reading zone because it was all written in verse.  Well, they called it verse.  It was really mostly in complete sentences that were just formatted to come across visually as verse.  Not my cup of tea, but with so few words on each page, its 530 pages were a quick, one-day read.

And now I'm reading:
Bitter River by Julia Keller
Just a few chapters in so far.  It's the second in a series of books about a female county prosecutor in West Virginia.

How's that for variety?


  1. I've been so hopeless about reading. I tried to read on the bus home, thought I could easily meet my goal of 30 minutes a day that way but two or three pages into a book, I am falling asleep! Must move on to Plan B!

    1. I go through phases. Sometimes it seems I barely read anything in a month, and then I have weeks like this. It is probably helped along by the fact that it is over a hundred degrees here, and all I want to do is stay in the A/C with a big glass of iced tea at hand. :)

      I’m working quite a bit for the rest of the month, so the reading will slack off then.

  2. Great variety! I bet Bitter River is an interesting read...


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