
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What I'm reading Wednesday...

Thought I would show an updated map of my progress on the 2019 reading challenge.  I've completed a book set in each of the shaded states on the map above...31 completed out of 51 (51 = 1 for each state + the District of Columbia) is roughly 61%, and we are 60% of the way through the year, so on target.  

I am dying for a little diversity now, so I am reading this rather short book about a Canadian...I know, Canada isn't far removed.  :)  I had started this one awhile back, and thought I'd pick it up again since it should be a quick read.

Fred's Funeral by Sandy Day

It's about a recently deceased elderly gentleman.  He is still hovering nearby, and is aggravated that his annoying sister-in-law is the one in charge of funeral arrangements and is getting things all wrong in his opinion.

Maybe it will help me get back to the challenge to take a very short breather.  I almost gave up a month or so ago, but I'm adjusting my knickers and am carrying on...I like to see a thing through...that's why they call it a 'challenge' after all.


  1. How are you finding the books to read based on state featured? I'm curious with challenges that set a specific criteria and wonder how the books are selected.

    1. Hi, Juhli! I started by making a list of the 50 states and DC. Then I glanced through the unread books on my Kindle and on my bookshelves. If I knew a title was set in a particular state, I wrote the title on my list next to the particular state along w/ whether it was on my Kindle or an already-owned hard copy.

      If I hear of a book that interests me (I love NPR author interviews and reviews) that is in a state that needs fulfilling, I check the library website to see if they have it available in ebook or hard copy. If they have it, I write it on my list next to the state, and write library ebook (or hard copy) next to it; or if I'm ready to read it immediately I will go pick it up or reserve it. If it isn't available through the library, I check Amazon prices. If it's a bargain for the ebook, say 2.99 or less, I will get it. If ebook is expensive, I will look at prices for used copies.

      Then I occassionally do a Google search by searching for "Books set in Idaho" or whichever state I need. It shows a list of book covers that fit the criteria.
      Occasionally I find one on the list that I already own that I didn't know the setting for, which is nice. If not, I will do the library and Amazon searches, but always check library first.

      At this point, I think I have most states matched up with a book (or two if I have an alternate written down too). I may still have two or three states that I need to find a book for.

      I JUST realized that on Goodreads you can type a state name in their search bar, and it will bring up scads of titles! That gives even more options than a Google search. Wish I'd figured that out in January! LOL

  2. Check out Educated by Tara Westover for Idaho.



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