Yes, Uncle of the many names he goes by. This photo cracks me up with that blur of tail. It is in constant motion; hence, the Wigglebutt. The uncle comes because I call him my childrens' brother, which makes him my grandchildrens' uncle. One of them actually calls him that. :)
What is driving me crazy is the house training. He spends all his outdoor time hunting...and eating...acorns. Totally uninterested in potty time...perfectly happy doing that inside...and he's getting lots of fiber from the acorns, so...

What is driving me crazy is the house training. He spends all his outdoor time hunting...and eating...acorns. Totally uninterested in potty time...perfectly happy doing that inside...and he's getting lots of fiber from the acorns, so...
Here's another favorite pastime of his...deer stalking. These low windows must have been made with him in mind. He loves watching the deer...and barking, barking, barking till I give him a time out.
And then there's this:
Oh, hell no!