
Friday, July 19, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, June 19...

1.  I didn't buy a smart TV or an air purifier (or anything else) during Amazon Prime Day.  Even though I really would like both of those things.  I just couldn't justify either of them at the moment, or maybe ever.

2.  Used up black bananas to make baked oatmeal.  Was out of chocolate chips...I could have left them out...but I used a few white chocolate chips that were in the pantry.

3.  I've started Christmas shopping.  I bought a used book for Carey that I think he will enjoy.

4.  My crafting desk is in DIRE NEED of attention.  Its surface has become so cluttered with finished, half-finished, and in-planning-stage projects that my work area has shrunk down to about eighteen square inches.  If that.  

    A friend phoned while i was looking at the mess, and we talked for about an hour.  Since I didn't want to move around too much during the conversation, I took a half-finished card and finished it while we were talking.  After we hung up I wrote her a note in the card that said, if you are opening this, you will know that my desk is clean, and my new printer is set up.  I put the card in my purse right then, so it wouldn't get mislaid.  I won't mail it til the desk really is clean and the printer really is set up.  ;)

    After that I came across a half finished necklace, finished it, discarded the few leftover beads, put away tools, and put the necklace on my closet wall jewelry hooks.

    I reset the printer to factory default settings, so it can go to recycle.

5.  Today we are dropping off the printer at the electronics recycling, then picking up the grocery order I put in last night after making the week's menu.  Sandwiches, salads, and quick and easy meals are the fare for the next seven summer days.

On the menu this week past:

Saturday:  Haluski (sausage, cabbage, noodle dish)

Sunday:  family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  leftovers

Tuesday:  takeout sandwiches from Schlotzky's

Wednesday:  C leftovers, me **homemade hummus w/ Triscuits

**Thursday:  Lentil Curry (Easy Indian Dal)

Friday:  Grilled Caprese Sandwiches

**designates meatless meal 


  1. Had to look up Haluski and a variation given the noodles we have on hand will help use up our last bit of cabbage. Sounds good.

    1. Carey requested cabbage recently, so after making Orange Sesame Salad last week, we had the remains to use up too. I love that cabbage is sturdy and versatile.

  2. Quick and easy is the name of the game in the summer!

  3. Thank you for the reminder about Christmas! And thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog!


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