
Friday, July 12, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, July 12...


1.  No meals out this week.  I did try a couple of new recipes.  One of them is in the slow cooker now, as I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon.

2.  Happy to say that Rudy's paw is much better without needing a vet visit, so I called and cancelled his appointment, and rescheduled it for next month for his vaccinations.  I was lucky that I had some Chlorhexidine wash in the cabinet to cleanse between his paw pads and then rinse and dry thoroughly.  I also brewed black tea with a crushed/dissolved aspirin in it and soaked his paw in that occasionally, and soaked it in warm water and Epsom salts occasionally to cover all the bases.  Also kept him pretty closely supervised, so he wasn't able to lick it incessantly, or at all with his sock on. 

3.  My grocery order was missing a container of unsweetened cocoa powder.  I had ordered two but only received one, so I emailed customer service and received a refund.

4.  I don't know why, but I thought I had to add beef shanks to grocery order this week.  Curiosity, I guess, as I don't think I've ever cooked with them before, and it wasn't even on special.  I had to look for a recipe that sounded fairly easy to do.  I adapted it to slow cooker (since I can braise in my slow cooker, it makes it a one-pot meal).  I had all of the vegetables to go in it.  Not so frugal were the two bottles of wine the recipe called for.  We don't particularly like wine, so not sure how this will go over.  It could be a complete bust, but I'm hoping it is edible, as I think I am making enough for tonight as well as a meal for two for the freezer.  If it is not edible, my penance for going out on this limb will be beans and rice on repeat.

5.  I didn't buy any books or fabric this week.  Except for the groceries, it has been a pretty economical week.  Stayed home, very little gasoline expended, made cards designed to use up papers from my scrap bin.  So far I have resisted the temptation to lower the thermostat; I use ceiling fans, then turn them off when I leave the room.  I'm experimenting with the store brand of's not bad, is much cheaper than Coke, and 5% of its cost is rewarded back on my credit card.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  C had leftovers, I had a peanut butter & pickle sandwich  :)

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Meat Loaf, Baked Potatoes, Corn

Tuesday:  Orange Sesame Chicken Salad

Wednesday:  Tuna Salad Sandwiches w/ chips

Thursday:  leftovers

Friday:  Braised Beef Shank Ragu w/ Pappardelle

**designates meatless meal


  1. Oh my, I’m glad my first read of a peanut brittle and pickle sandwich was a brain glitch lol. Hope your beef shank meal comes out great as it sounds delicious.

    1. That would be one tough sandwich! :)

      The beef shanks were FABULOUS!

  2. Malone had a vet visit yesterday for a broken nail, ka-ching, ka-ching. Poor guy, he's in the cone for a few days.

    1. Poor Malone! I hate that they can't tell us what is wrong, and can't understand the things we do when we are just trying to help.


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