
Monday, August 14, 2023

Making it Monday...sewing kit...

Here's what I worked on today.  Pardon the poor crewel work, but the thumb on my right hand is hurting today.  This is a small needle book for my little Chloe Bee.  I was going for a very primitive look...yeah...that's it.  ;)  

The inside is also "primitive".  I glued tiny magnets to keep it closed.  Today was all about getting it done, not fancy needlework.

Both Chloe's and Caitlyn's needle books were made using the felt I purchased last week.  I was going to put all of the sewing kit contents in an altoid tin, but I saw these that are the same size, and the button print just said "sewing kit" to me.  

The needle books just fit inside the sewing kit box.

The contents of each sewing kit were 4 bobbins with various thread colors, folding scissors, a mini seam ripper, a thimble, various sizes of safety pins, and the needle book.  This should help out in wardrobe emergencies.

As per my usual, I forgot to take photo of Caitlyn's needle book and sewing kit.  Her needle book had a simpler design on front; just a threaded needle done in a backstitch.  I was in a rush to get it done before she left for school.  I may make her another one with a ladybug on the cover...but not today.


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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