
Friday, August 18, 2023

Frugal Friday File 2023, Aug 18...


1.  One hundred nine degrees Fahrenheit.  Staying home with curtains drawn is the only sensible thing to do.  They say it will be this way through the middle of next week.  Sincerely hoping the power grid isn't overwhelmed; if there's one thing worse than the power going off in a freak winter ice storm, it is the power going off in an extreme heat event of Texas summer. 

2.  This week was horrible on the menu front.  Too hot to cook.  Too hot to think about cooking.  I finally made a menu and grocery order on Thursday.  So the order has been picked up, and the kitchen is now restocked.  

3. When I did cook, I planned ahead.  Making chili for Chili Frito Pie, meant leftover chili with which to make enchilada casserole.  This grocery order and menu plan leans toward meal prep will be cook once/eat twice by putting 2nd meal in freezer for future.

4.  Last year at this time, I had still not met my medical insurance (employer's group) deductible.  Next week I have a medical test that has to be done at a hospital.  It's a pretty easy test (just an hour or so), but I had no idea how much it might cost.  The hospital just called to let me know that the out-of-pocket portion of the cost will be $19.  Such a difference from last year's coverage...YAY!

5.  I cancelled a couple of subscriptions that have been underused now that I'm not working.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  takeout burgers

Sunday:  takeout Tex-Mex

Monday:  takeout chicken

Tuesday:  Chili Frito Pie

Wednesday:  takeout BBQ sandwiches

Thursday:  Enchilada Casserole

Friday:  hot dogs


  1. When it's too hot to move, it's too hot to cook. I sympathize completely.

  2. Absolutely no cooking when it is that hot!


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