
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Jurassic games...

Last summer a nearby business put these three dinosaurs in their parking lot near the roadside.  The large one is maybe ten feet from the ground to the top of its head.  They are made of metal.  I thought they were funny.

Back in October, Carey and I were driving to the city one day when I saw that a Halloween skeleton had been placed in the mouth of the biggest dinosaur.  That was it; I was in love.  I jokingly started asking for a giant dinosaur for Christmas so I could creatively stage it in our front yard.  Kasey said she would get me one if I would put Rudy in its mouth.  LOL!  I said no, but I would put one of the pesky deer from our yard in its mouth.  Boy, would that cause a hubbub with the deer-loving neighbors.

These seem to be prone to either tumbling over in strong winds, or being the victims of recreational tipping by local teens (in the absence of cows).  Happily, each time the owner sets things aright again.

This week Carey got home from work while I was still asleep.  When I woke up I found these on my kitchen window sill...
complete with a skeleton in the big one's mouth.  LOL

I cannot tell you how much I love these.  Periodically he repositions them to amuse me when I walk in the kitchen. "When you look at these with the front yard behind them, just imagine them outside and to scale," he said.  LOL  

This morning I woke up to the little ones playing tug-of-war with the skeleton.  Oh my goodness, sometimes that man cracks me up.

I kid you not, he has bought me jewelry that didn't make me smile this much.


  1. LOL. What fun! Gotta love a guy with a good sense of humour!

    1. I had texted these photos to my daughter yesterday. Then last night she, unexpectedly, was introduced to the business owner that has the big metal ones. She showed him the photos on her phone. LOL!

  2. Nice dinosaurs, but my heart belongs to Godzilla.

    1. When I saw them, my first thought was of Godzilla. :)

  3. Oh how romantic! I used to have a big collection of dinosaurs on my desk at work and every morning when I’d get to work they’d be in different formations and poses. Never found out who played with them.


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