
Friday, August 2, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, August 2...


1.  I hadn't done the grocery order last Sunday, and I was low on dessert makings in the pantry.  But I did have a couple of apples in the fridge, and I found a recipe I hadn't made in awhile for Cinnamon Apple Blondies.  Very easy and very yummy, and no special trip to the store.

2.  I have been staying home and out of the heat as much as possible.  (At least two more months of extreme heat here probably...ugh!)  Carey had finished a library book, and told me he was going to return it on his errand run on Wednesday.  I asked him to pick up my reserved book that I had just received an email notification for.

3.  While he ran his errands, I made a menu plan and grocery order.  I picked it up on Thursday.  And after I put them away, I put a roast in the slow cooker for supper.  It was a nice roast, and there was plenty leftover to add a planned-over meal to the list, so we will have Beef Stroganoff one evening soon.

4.  I had inadvertently added two roasts to the order, so I vacuum sealed the second one and it is now in the freezer awaiting a future roast dinner.  Not too frugal to over order, but nice to be able to store it in the freezer in a manner keeping its quality.

5.  I've been enjoying my cleaned off desk, and making lots of cards for birthdays coming up.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  breakfast for dinner

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  (I can't remember)

Tuesday:  Chicken Alfredo

Wednesday:  Quiche

Thursday:  Roast, potatoes, carrots

Friday:  Mexican Cornbread

**designates meatless meal


  1. I've been staying inside too; it's been hot here although nothing like the temperatures you have. There was a vacuum sealer on sale at Costco, so I picked that up, looking forward to trying it.

    1. Just a tip about vacuum sealers, they will suction out liquids, so I try to make sure foods are pretty liquid free before vacuuming, just to make the process and clean up is neater. I don't use mine a ton, but I do love it when I buy large packages of meat (as they are often less in price) to divide them into recipe quantities.

      Stay cool! :)


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