
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

What I'm reading Wednesday...

I loved last week's book, Lula Dean's Little Library of Books by Kirsten Miller.  It was a satire about a small town and the people in it.  I'm not sure how to describe it really.  I didn't lose myself in it, since it was rather too good to be believable, but it was fun.  When I was a kid, I loved the Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books by Betty MacDonald...they were kind of magical...about a town where misbehaved children came into contact with this sweet grandmotherly woman who had cures for what made them, well, bratty.  In an odd way, Lula Dean's Little Library of Books reminded me of those Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle books.  The townspeople somehow found the exact books that they needed to fix their lives in that little library.

This week's books are:


What We Carry With Us by Karen J. Hasley

I just finished this one last night.  Enjoyed it, but then I almost always enjoy a book about Nebraska pioneers.  :)

The Widow's Weeds by Allie Cresswell

This is the third in a series about a group of women friends who travel together.  Though the books are about the group, each focuses mostly on the life of just one member of the group.  This one is about the most ornery of the group.

I'll be starting this one later today probably.

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