
Friday, August 23, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, August 23...


1.  Wednesday I made a menu plan, and a grocery order, which I picked up on Thursday.  Salads and easy prep is still the name of the game.  The 100°+ temperatures here are just ridiculous, and is playing havoc with my energy levels.

2.  Rudy's beef shanks went into the slow cooker for bone broth (his homemade food base) as I was unpacking groceries yesterday.  Took the shanks out of the broth and put the chicken thighs in last night before I went to bed.  Will put in brown rice and vegetables before my doctor appointment today.  I should have several weeks' supply of his food packaged by the end of the day.

3.  I've been drinking lots of water since mid week last week.  I have a phlebotomy today (phlee-botomy, not low-botomy...don't want there to be any doubts...LOL).  I'm hopeful being fully hydrated helps the process; usually I forget to start drinking lots of water till the morning of.  It's a real process most times.  I swear the nurses draw straws in the back room when they see me walk in to see who gets stuck (pardon the pun) with me.  I was really hoping the new portacath would perform easier than the last one, but no such luck.  

This only made the frugal list, because drinking more water keeps me from drinking other things like soda.

4.  I had grilled chicken, bell pepper, and onions left over after the quesadillas last night.  I've never used chicken in a quiche before, but I looked it up, and turns out it is a thing.  So tonight we are having 'planned over' quiche.  (Plus I have a LOT of eggs and cheese in the fridge at the moment.)

5.  After finishing the book Old Souls, I looked up other books by the author (Tom Shroder), and I noticed that he had co-written a book about the Deepwater Horizon explosion for which the Kindle version was on special for $2.99.  Since I liked Mr. Shroder's journalistic writing style, and his co-author is an oil rig captain, I thought that it might be factual enough to suit Carey. (Since he worked on offshore oil production platforms for 20 years, he is completely uninterested in anything but accurate facts on the subject.)  And even if he wasn't interested, I would read it.  

He was SO thrilled.  He has started reading, and has been impressed so far.  He is also going to be spending extended time next month with an engineer who was employed as a consultant after the explosion to investigate, so Carey will happily have discussion topics in hand.

I haven't always had the best luck picking books I think he might like, so score one in the WIN column for me!

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  Homemade thin-crust pizza

Sunday:  Sunday family dinner at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  takeout Tex-Mex

Tuesday:  Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Wednesday:  Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Thursday:  Quesadillas homemade

Friday:  Quiche

**designates meatless meal


  1. Sounds like a great book gift choice! I’m always impressed that you do a meal plan as we usually just wing it.

    1. Oh, I winged it (wung it? LOL) for years. My mother used to say I took after my paternal grandmother, because she would call up the grocery store at 5pm to have groceries delivered for that night's meal.

      When we lived in the country, I couldn't go to the store quickly or easily, so I got in the habit of doing a menu so the kitchen would be stocked with everything needed for at least 2 weeks.

  2. It's not as hot here but it's warmer than I would like so quick and easy is the name of the game for dinners. Vic will grill a couple of steaks at a time so we can just put the meat in a wrap or on a salad and call it done.

    1. I think I heard that we are supposed to be cooler tomorrow...98 degrees instead of over 100! LOL


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