
Friday, May 10, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, May 10...


1.  I had to cancel my trip to see my friend.  Too many questions surrounding mother-in-law right now.  Thankfully I had purchased a refundable ticket.  Happily it was refunded more easily and quickly than I expected.  I will reschedule, but nice to have the money in the bank in the meantime.

2.  The traveling to be with m-i-l isn't cheap, but we were able to keep purchased meals to one a day.  Being sure to eat a good, filling and free breakfast at the hotel.  Even at home we quite often only eat twice a day, so it wasn't a hardship.  Carey also made sure to fill his insulated coffee tumbler at the hotel.

3.  When we returned home, the cupboard was pretty bare.  I made a pasta salad from things on hand in the fridge, and a can of salmon from the pantry.  We ate it, but nobody wants me to make it again.

4.  I went to the office for online training on a new software the company is switching over to.  I got paid for the training hours, and now I can continue to fill in as needed.  Money in.

5.  I've lost weight since retiring without even trying.  I think it's due to less eating out, and healthier home cooking.  I tried on a few nice tops that have been hanging in the closet for quite awhile without being worn due to the fit, and they fit comfortably again.  "New" work clothes without a price tag.  Yay!


  1. Nice to be able to get into tops from your closet that didn't fit before.

    1. It is. I need to do a deep clean of my closet again. Entirely too much is stuffed in there!

  2. Sorry about your MIL but it is nice you can spend time with her. Losing weight without trying - I’d like that scenario.

    1. Thanks, Juhli. I think the end is nearing.

      I think the easy part has stopped, and I will have to work harder if I want to lose more. :)


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