
Thursday, May 9, 2024

My To-Do list...

This is my To-Do List.  Each page is meant to be for a week's use.  I made this one myself (and had it spiral bound), because I wanted regular items printed on there instead of having to handwrite the whole thing from scratch each week.  I also wanted to make it cute, because it makes me happier to look at if it's pretty.  Each month is a different color scheme...May's colors are purples for Mother's Day.

Last night I was reading blogs, and, as so often happens, I found a spark of inspiration at The Boomer Girl's Guide.  Juhli's posts always make me think or spur me to action.  Last night she mentioned her To-Do List, and it reminded me that I had seen mine recently in an odd place, so I directly went and retrieved it before I forgot where it was.  For years I used it religiously, but have fallen out of the habit since retirement.  Last night I made a list for today before I read myself to sleep.

Mostly what I wanted to work on today was clutter-filled boxes in the guest room, doing laundry, and changing bed linens, which meant even more laundry.  Currently my 6th (!) load of laundry is in the dryer.  The guest room bed linens have been washed down to the mattress, and the bed has been freshly made up again.  The down blanket and a comforter have been washed and dried, and now they are lying flat on the bed with the ceiling fan on directly over them to help dry any residual dampness before folding them and storing away.

I have emptied one box filled with old medical info (all that remains of my birthday broken shoulder in 2022, well that and the diminished range of motion), LTC insurance info, Medicare supplement insurance info and other equally dreaded documents.  I've shredded and thrown away and filed.  I've Swiffered.  I've moved my out-of-season clothes to the guest closet.  

I'm too pooped to pop!  It was 96° here today.  We are supposed to have storms overnight, and only be in the 80s for the next couple of days.  I am about to make my to-do list for tomorrow, carrying over what I didn't do today, and adding some other new chores.  Hopefully I can keep the momentum going. 


  1. Wow, you did a ton in one day. Thanks for the shout out.

    1. Of course! Thanks for the spark that lit my fire. LOL

  2. I live by my planner and lists. I did the same thing last night, sitting down before bed and doing a brain dump so I would be able to relax and sleep well. It did the trick. Now to put my list in motion. TGIF!

    1. Exactly! I always worry I'll forget something, and it keeps me up. :)

  3. I love your list! Did you make a master page and print out 52 weeks? As I'm doing our sixth or seventh load of laundry each week, I ask myself "How can two people and a dog make so much laundry?" LOL

    1. I did do master pages, first in black & white, and later I digitally added color.

      I had put off so much seasonal laundry, it has all caught up with me at once! :)


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