
Friday, February 16, 2024

Frugal Friday File 2024, February 16...


1.  I have a container on my desk to contain paper scraps large enough to be used in other projects.  I routinely use pieces from there before reaching for a fresh, un-cut piece.  I'm kind of down to less-usable pieces, and am about ready to recycle the contents.  But before I do that, I decided to pull out larger pieces of mostly solid colors and cut them into strips.  I then picked strips and glued them onto cardstock, trimmed, and used them to make Valentines for the grandkids, thinking-of-you cards for friends, and a birthday card for my cousin.  Two of samples are below.

2.  I have started washing and cutting up celery stalks as soon as I bring them home from the market.  I cut the root end just enough to discard any dirt, then I cut the ribs off making sure that the bottom of all ribs stay connected to the root end.  I cut the tops/leaves off, then cut the rest of the ribs into about six inch lengths.  I wrap all of the ribs, tops/leaves, and root end in a damp paper towel, and put it all in a gallon zip log bag.  I have sticks for snacking or chopping for recipes, I have tops and leaves for soups, and I have the root to stew with a chicken.  All the parts stay crisp and fresh much longer this way then when I just put it away in the bag it came home in from the store.  And all the clean up is done.  Thanks, me!

3.  Just last week, I mentioned here that I had invited friends to stay this summer so that I would have an incentive to declutter.  And yet did I take immediate action.  No.  My brother-in-law (out of the blue) mentioned this Wednesday that he may come visit TODAY!  Now THAT got me moving, and there has been some progress in the guest room.  I am not guaranteeing he won't stub a toe, and it's not clutter free, but the bed is cleaned off and changed, and the guest bath is ready for company.  

This is the room that used to be dedicated to kids' play, so there is quite a bit to evaluate for future usefulness.  Yesterday I went through a large bin full of dress-up clothes.  Most of them were evening dresses and shoes that had belonged to my mother.  Oh, my; the grandgirls had so much fun playing in those for years!  Looking them over today, they had been worn to tatters.  I enjoyed touching each item and remembering the girls wearing them and the funny things they did and said.  And then I filled a big black yard bag full, and it is now in the outside garbage bin.   They are all synthetic fabrics, so I won't bother trying to recycle them further.

4.  I found a recipe for a homemade cake mix yesterday; so simple and handy to keep in the pantry. It also limits the processing and additives.

5.  I was able to reserve two brand-new books at the library.  I've been waiting to pick them up until I'm out this afternoon for a doctor appointment and can combine trips.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  Sunday supper at Kasey & Beau's (a day early)

Sunday:  Virginia's Taco Soup

Monday:  Goulash

Tuesday:  takeout Baked Potatoes w/ BBQ brisket

Wednesday:  Bow Tie Pasta w/ homemade sauce

Thursday:  Leftovers

Friday:  houseguest, dinner out I think

**designates meatless meal


  1. Your cards are lovely and it sounds like you had a great week.

    1. Thanks, Juhli! As it happened, my brother-in-law was not able to visit after all. My husband apologized for my having cleaned unnecessarily. I replied that I was happy to have had the reason to start in on procrastinated projects! His visit was incidental. ;)

  2. How do you pick books to read? I've been picking ebooks from Libby based on if it's currently available and there have been some real disappointments. Just wondering where you find yours.

    1. Hi, tjbl!

      Our library has begun sending out a weekly list of the new books they have recently purchased. I think that is my favorite email I get all week, as I frequently come across books I've heard about elsewhere. When I can be the first person to reserve a brand new book it feels like I've won a real prize!

      I also like to listen to author interviews on different NPR programs. Our local TPR station also has a podcast called Book Public which can be found at

      I also subscribe to Kindle Daily Deal emails ( and Bookbub ( emails.

      When I hear about a book that sounds interesting via word of mouth or author interview etc, I add it to my Book Wish List and refer to that list to periodically check library availability, used book stores, Kindle Daily Deals, etc.

      Here's to happy reading!


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