
Sunday, September 24, 2023

Tonight's dessert was a hit...

I was trying to feel a little bit of the autumn cheer that friends have been's so hard when it is still 100° F here.  But I needed a dessert idea for Sunday family supper at Kasey and Beau's, so I thought I could fight my no-fall-yet funk by searching for recipes that might be autumn friendly.  I came across this recipe while browsing around Marie's blog, The English Kitchen.  It struck my fancy, and I was really eager to try it.

Everybody loved it!  The recipe can be found by clicking the link at the top of this post to take you to The English Kitchen.  I will just say that it is achieved by starting with an unbaked pie crust, pouring in the cake batter, then evenly pouring the custard over the top of the cake batter and baking.  In the oven the custard sinks to the bottom, and the cake rises to the top.  Then while it's still warm you spoon over a glaze made from strong coffee and confectioners sugar.  It turns out just scrumptious!  I'll be keeping this recipe in the rotation.



  1. Looks yummy! Never could figure out how the filling poured over the top sinks to the bottom! I've seen that in another recipe.

    1. It's got to have something to do with the leavening in the cake batter, I would guess? I don't know, but it was really good! :) Now I am watching the lightning out the window and listening to thunder...maybe fall is on the way?!

  2. Looks and sounds delicious!


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