
Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Kitchen reorganization, Part 3...

Eight years ago I wrote a blog post about assembling this recipe binder.  Sometime later, as I printed out and tried new recipes, I got into the bad habit of laying them in a particular place on the counter.  I always meant to go back and put them in the binder, but you know what they say about good intentions.  
I have now filed all of the quite-large stack into the binder's page protectors.  I am really happy to have this done.  As I was putting the printed recipes into the binder, I discarded ones I had tried and not loved or ones that I had never tried and didn't think I probably ever would in the future.  And as of now I can't print out new recipes (my printer is out of service), so I should be able to keep this under control (and off of my counter) now.  



  1. I like the tried and toss method for things you'll never make or tried and didn't like. Why bother to keep them? I really need to do this.


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