
Friday, April 29, 2022

Frugal Friday File 2022, week 17...


1.  Carey has begun painting the house exterior.  The paint is not cheap, but I can't even begin to guess how much more it would cost to hire it out.  Any job, big or small, Carey is a whiz to have around!

2.  I have been pretty successful at taking my lunch to work with me the past couple of weeks.  Cheaper, yes.  But also it means I have more time to read since there is no driving time required.  Which, bonus, means I'm also not using as much gasoline.  :)

3.  Free shipping this week on the meal subscription.  Yay!

4.  No impulse purchases this week.  I have some things in my Amazon cart, but they are pretty much necessities that have been in there for at least a week waiting for a dire need to hit the buy button and get them on their way.

5.  Taking a mental health day today, and a mini getaway.  Today we are driving to the coast just to get out of the house and away from the office.  As 'vacations' go, it will be very frugal.

1 comment:

I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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