Recently, Pamela who blogs at The Lady of the House Speaking, started a Thankful, Grateful, Blessed post on Thursdays. What with the holidays coming up, I'd been giving this some thought as well. In the past, I have participated in Thankful Thursdays in November, but I kind of like the idea of it being a year-round feature. So this is my inaugural post. And thanks, Pamela, for the inspiration.
With a lot on my calendar this fall, I thought I'd better take advantage of some time at home right now to get some long avoided tasks done. (Lucky me, among the 'treasures' I found was a quote I had written down...'Procrastination is just sloth with more syllables'...isn't that cheery?) This week I took three boxes of donations to Salvation Army, and one corner of my house feels lighter and brighter,
So, as much as I avoid it, I am blessed to be able to do work around the house. I am so very thankful to have a home.
Thanks for the shout out - so true, if we didn't have a home, we wouldn't have housework so as much of a chore as it can be, I'm thankful too!