Pretty sure that I've mentioned that my boss and I are both readers and are having a bit of a competition this year. He outpaced me early, when I started out the year with an 800 pager, but I have since caught up.
He came into the office with this book last week, and it sounded so interesting. If you've not heard of the Mary Celeste, it was an American cargo ship that was found floating near the Azores in December of 1872. There was no one on board; all the crew, along with the captain's wife and two-year-old daughter who were sailing with him, were nowhere to be found, and no hints as to what had happened.
Paul is willing to let me borrow it when he finishes, but I had just finished my last book, and checked the library website and found they had the hard copy available. I started reading it on Saturday, and it is so hard to put down.
I haven't told Paul I am already reading it yet.
That does sound good. I'll put it on my list.