I was even scarcer than usual around here this week. I had an out-of-town work meeting that threw me off. So here is my frugal file for this week.
1. We have already had temperatures over 100⁰. Last weekend Carey noticed something was up with our 27-year-old air conditioner. He took the cover off of the unit and found that the insulation surrounding three wires had worn away due to their constant vibration against each other over the years, and once the now uninsulated wires were in contact with each other they became, for lack of a better description, welded together and a real danger. My fabulous husband, who was outdoors painting on the house, not only immediately noticed the change in sound coming from the air conditioner, he was able to diagnose, replace, and repair all in about 3 hours. No waiting days in the stifling heat and humidity for an a/c tech to get to us, no bill, the house didn't even heat up much in that time. I know I say this all the time, but his skills are amazing, and marrying him was my best frugal decision EVER!
2. A coworker at another branch offered to drive a group of us to the work meeting which was about three hours away. She will be reimbursed for mileage, so we didn't have to share the expense (though I will be sending her a thank you with a little something tucked inside).
3. My company paid for a nice, and very comfortable, hotel room for of each of us. A king-size bed all to myself is something I haven't had since Carey retired. :)
4. We went out for one meal before the meeting officially began, for which we requested separate checks. After we got home, the driver of my group emailed each of us instructions to submit the receipts for reimbursement, which I promptly completed.
5. I thought about going to a book festival this weekend in the city. It would have been nice as there were lots of authors there for small group talks. However I know I would have purchased books that I hadn't budgeted for. So since I was really tired, and wanted to get some things done around here this weekend (as I will be gone next weekend for a rather long solo road trip), I decided to give it a miss.