1. I was looking on Amazon for puzzle glue. I knew I had an almost-full bottle of regular Mod Podge in my craft room, so I was looking to see if there is a difference between it and the Mod Podge Puzzle Saver. I read through a lot of customer questions till I found one answered by the manufacturer (Plaid Enterprises) that said regular Mod Podge could be used as puzzle glue. That little bit of research saved me $8.99, since I now know I can use what I already own.
2. Though I didn't feel very frugal this week, I was happy to be able to move some money into savings.
3. This week we got three bids for putting a new roof on the house. Yikes! Not something I look forward to shelling out for, but it is beyond the point of being put off any longer. Things like this are why I put money into savings every chance I get. We checked with our insurance agent, and reroofing will lower the premium of our home-owner's policy significantly.
4. Cheap date planned for Saturday. Drop off some donations at Goodwill, and visit the used book store.
5. A three-day weekend stretches before me! Oh glorious, glorious extra (paid) day off!
Thank you for the tip about the glue. Good luck with the roof! Sometimes we do have to spend. The worst for me is that once in a great while we've had to have our septic tank pumped out. Ugh.... ;)