
Friday, February 18, 2022

The Frugal Friday File 2022, week 7...

1.  I was looking on Amazon for puzzle glue.  I knew I had an almost-full bottle of regular Mod Podge in my craft room, so I was looking to see if there is a difference between it and the Mod Podge Puzzle Saver.  I read through a lot of customer questions till I found one answered by the manufacturer (Plaid Enterprises) that said regular Mod Podge could be used as puzzle glue.  That little bit of research saved me $8.99, since I now know I can use what I already own.

2.  Though I didn't feel very frugal this week, I was happy to be able to move some money into savings.

3.  This week we got three bids for putting a new roof on the house.  Yikes!  Not something I look forward to shelling out for, but it is beyond the point of being put off any longer.  Things like this are why I put money into savings every chance I get.   We checked with our insurance agent, and reroofing will lower the premium of our home-owner's policy significantly.

4.  Cheap date planned for Saturday.  Drop off some donations at Goodwill, and visit the used book store.  

5.  A three-day weekend stretches before me!  Oh glorious, glorious extra (paid) day off!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the tip about the glue. Good luck with the roof! Sometimes we do have to spend. The worst for me is that once in a great while we've had to have our septic tank pumped out. Ugh.... ;)


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