
Friday, February 4, 2022

The Frugal Friday file 2022, week 5...


I'll start off with the definitely UNfrugal:  My credit card got hacked.  I guess I feel lucky that 'only' eleven hundred plus dollars was charged during the day before I figured it out.  I had gotten a couple of strange texts on my phone while I was at work, but I thought they were phishing, so I didn't answer them.  I did call the bank, but they couldn't see anything unusual with bank acccounts.  When I got home from work, I immediately checked my bank accounts, and then my credit cards.  Only one credit card seems to be compromised, and I have had it cancelled.  Now I just have to make sure all the fraudulent charges are reversed and wait for the replacement card.

1.  We received our order of 4 free rapid antigen Covid-19 tests from the government.  One order (of 4 tests) per household is available at .

2.  Our son-in-law was in a barbecue cook-off recently, and he won several ribbons too.  Lucky for us, there were leftovers!  We enjoyed some for Sunday family supper, and got to bring some home too.  So, so good.  The man is a grill master!

3.  And while we are talking about good food, I made a pot of Pasta e Fagiole this week.  I love soup weather!  Soups are usually easy, frugal, and great left over.  The Pasta Fagiole recipe and some of my favorite soup recipes are at What's Cookin' 4 Miles North of Nowhere.

4.  Between the winter travel warnings this week keeping us home, and being temporarily without a credit card keeping me from online shopping, this is turning into a low-spend week.  Which is probably a good thing, as I am not anxious to see this month's heating bill.

5.  Our home's exterior door we use most often had a keyless entry lock when we moved in.  At the time, I was unsure how I felt about it, but very quickly became spoiled to the ease.  It recently had to be replaced, and it was quickly and frugally changed out by Carey.  I continue to be amazed, not just by his  DIY know how, but by the good sense my 18-year-old self had in choosing a life partner that was so handy.  Probably because he changed a tire for me the very first week we dated, followed shortly by him replacing my car's timing chain saving me a mechanic's repair fee that I definitely hadn't budgeted for.  Yet another instance of my early uncertainty in a situation quickly giving way to being spoiled.  :)


  1. I make Pasta e Fagioli all the time in my Instant Pot. It freezes well. Before Rachael married Justin, I think the turning point for her was when he changed the tire on her horse trailer after carefully researching the size and type of tire she needed. Clearly a good prospect for a husband. My husband was playing baseball in a park with friends when I met him--that didn't really bode well for my future!

    1. Sometimes I feel like your Rachael is my mini-me. :) I predict that you will love having Justin geographically handy.

  2. Love the Carey story. I think I married my ex because he too was such an amazingly handy man. Kudos to SIL for his cook-off skills.


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