
Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thankful, Grateful, Blessed...

So many things to be thankful for...

Thankful that Carey is home safe from a week away.

Blessed to have had the energy to make him a pie to surprise him.

Grateful for free eggs from my non-sanctioned neighborhood chicken wrangler.

Blessed that I got to hug my granddaughter yesterday, and her smile...oh that beautiful smile!

Always grateful when my boss takes the elevator and, knowing I will be following soon after, sends it back to the floor I'm on so I don't have to wait too long for it in the heat (it is a slooooow outdoor elevator).

Blessed with good dreams almost always.  Last night I woke up from one that was so entertaining, I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and texted myself the plot so I wouldn't forget it.  And just last week I sent a card to my oldest friend (not to be confused with my eldest friend) to tell her how often I have been dreaming of her and her family...parents, siblings, spouse, and children...over the past year or so.  We live far apart now, but each time I wake up feeling like we've had a good visit.  Recently I even woke myself up singing aloud a song that makes me think of her parents.

So thankful that we have all been healthy.  So many locals have had Covid lately.  I'm wearing my mask again almost always.  My company has been requiring us to wear masks again in the office, and I am all for it as I am almost certain a number of our clients are anti-vax and/or anti-mask.


  1. So many lovely and meaningful things to be grateful for.

  2. Last week's news had me in a real funk. I'm trying to remind myself this week of all the good things. :)

  3. I remember waking myself up singing once. I heard something and it kept annoying me until I sat up in bed and realized it was me singing. I don't know if I've ever done it again but we had a really good laugh at the time.

    1. That's funny! I was kind of glad my husband wasn't home to be a witness. LOL


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