Having almost reached the end of January (!), I thought it was time to show the progress made thus far on the Sky Scarf.
I'm using six colors to represent:
clear sky - light blue
summer sky - medium blue
overcast - light gray
thunderstorm - charcoal gray
fog - white
clouds - lace-weight variagated white/gray
Most days I use a combination of the the variagated 'cloud' yarn with one of the other colors. The charcoal gray sticks out like a sore thumb...or like a crash of thunder. That darkest stripe you see represents a storm full of lightning and thunder which poured four and a half inches of rain on us.
I decided to do a garter stitch border and the center in stockinette. I'm not crazy about the look of carrying the unused colors up the side, but I may go back at the end and crochet around the whole thing as Lynne suggested.
It's a fun project. It only takes a few minutes to knit each day's two rows (after I untangle the yarn). I'll be showing each month's progress at month's end.
Looks good so far.. but that thunder storm does stick out... but whenever you look at that scarf you'll remember the 4.5 inches of desperately needed rain!