Thursday, February 24, 2011
Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Hello, mojo. Welcome home...
Okay. I feel better now. I can check the 'shelf' off the list.
I've been wanting to put some of these floating books up for ages, but couldn't decide where. After reading in the bathtub awhile back, I knew this would be the perfect spot to rest my current read.
I'm sure you guys have all seen these. But I took pictures of the process anyway...to prove to a friend that I actually got it done all by myself. Okay, you can't actually tell that I did it myself I guess, but that is my hand in one of the photos below. And who else would let me keep interrupting them to take pictures in progress.
Choose a stack of books that you want to display...a tall enough stack to cover the vertical arm of the bracket against the wall...largest book goes on the bottom.
You will need two 'L' brackets. Hold the bottom book and first bracket up to the wall, and mark the screw holes where you want to put the first bracket. Drill pilot hole for the screws, and use drywall anchors if you're not in a stud. Screw in the first bracket.

There. The hardest part is done.
Now hold up your second bracket to the wall. Rest your bottom book on the two horizontal arms of the brackets, and use a level to adjust the placement of the second bracket. Mark the screw holes, drill pilot holes, and screw that puppy in.

Coolness...almost there.
Now you have a choice. You can open the back cover, resting just the pages on the brackets...
...then use some foam adhesive tape or hot glue to stick the back cover to the pages to make the brackets completely invisible. (Some of the instructions I've seen say to screw through the bottom bracket into the pages of the bottom book before adhering the cover to the pages. This shelf is not in a high traffic area, so I didn't think I needed to worry about it being extra stable.)
If you're like me and don't want to damage the book at all, you can just let the bottom book cover rest on the brackets. It's not visible to anyone but me (and then only when I'm laying in the tub), so I'm going to live with it, at least for now.
Here's a front-on view. Yes, I know it's not centered. I think it's the camera angle. No? Well then I'll just find a bigger book for the bottom and place it a little further to the right on the brackets. It's all good.
Monday, February 21, 2011
A whole lotta nada...

Nada. Zilch. Zippo. I got nuttin' I tell ya. No progress. No juice. No mmphh.
I have fabric and pattern...but can't seem to make the first cut. (And can I just say that granted it has been a long time since I've made little-girl clothing, but this 'Easy' pattern does not sound so easy after reading the instruction sheet.)
I have paint and brushes, but not a drop or stroke on the wall.
I have hammer and nails, but every frame is still leaning against the wall on the floor.
I have screws and L-brackets, but my shelf is not a shelf.
I have camera and sunshine, but no images in the keep file...except the one above, which I only kept to head this post...meh.
I have had four days at home and nothing that I can point to and show for it.
I guess I'll go to bed and finish my library book.
Thursday, February 10, 2011

You might remember this little cap from my post awhile back. I was going to wait till I had a little stockpile built up, and then talk to someone about donating them.
Then the other day I stumbled upon this post from Steph on Snickerdoodle. Perfect timing! A cause. Detailed instructions for mailing. An offer of knitting help. And a giveaway to boot!
You'll notice this button

over on the right side of my blog. Click it for Steph's full post. It's awesome.
I mailed my cap off in the mail this morning, and I've had a smile on my face all day.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Seven random thoughts on the 7th...

1. It is often difficult for me to come up with a photograph to accompany these '7' posts. I am not quite sure what the subject of the above photo actually is. I think it is some kind of a game die, and I believe it is really old, though I'm not sure. It is made of clear glass, and the printing around the zero says 'MADE CZECHOSLOVAKIA.' It's just one of those cool things hanging around our house. It has lived in a sewing machine drawer for as long as I remember. If anyone knows what it is, I'd welcome a clue.
2. I really must practice going to bed and getting up earlier. I mean really.
3. I have been doing a lot of reading in the last couple of months, and I notice that really good books seem to be fewer and further between than they used to be. Is this a sign of getting old? Or maybe I'm just not choosing well...or maybe I'm more distracted than before. Could anyone reading this leave a comment with the title of a favorite book or two, please? My favorites are Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet and Shadow Woman by Thomas Perry.
4. Winter food = comfort. Tonight? Acorn squash baked with slices of link sausage in the scooped-out centers drizzled with a little maple syrup.
5. Happiness is being close enough to drop in for flash cards and goodnight kisses from the munchkins.
6. Another work week begins. Laundry...check. Coffee ready for in the morning...check. Gas tank filled...check. Prescription refill called in...check. Hair appointment made...uh-oh.7. Football season is over...baseball spring training is right around the corner. I really gotta get another tv for the bedroom.
Friday, February 4, 2011
We had a little snow fall during the night. Since I slept late this morning, most of it had melted in the bright sunshine before I got to see it.
So unusual for us to have snow. And we had some last February as well.
We've had much colder temps the last few days than is our norm. Nice excuse for snuggling in with some knitting.