
Friday, January 31, 2025

2025 Frugal Friday File, January 31...


1.  I added to my browser.  Now when I am book shopping online, it shows whether what I'm searching for is available at my library.  Mind blown!  No more opening another window to sign in to my library account and search the library catalog myself.  I can even borrow or place a hold at my library (if they have the book I'm looking at) right from the Amazon (or Barnes & Noble, etc.) page.  Free time and money saver! 

2.  On Tuesday night I planned upcoming menu and placed grocery order.  On Wednesday I picked up order and restocked the pantry and fridge/freezer...except for chicken breasts which I put immediately into the slow cooker and seasoned before cooking.  When they were done, I diced the three large breasts and placed in fridge.  They will be quick to add to burrito bowls (tonight) and tortilla soup another night (using the broth which I stored separately in the fridge).  It was a large grocery order, but we should be set for awhile now.

3.  Carey has been coming with me to volunteer at the library.  Though I originally was going to volunteer on my own, my start coincided with a huge donation to the library, so I asked Carey to come too and lift and tote boxes and bins.  He has enjoyed it, so he may continue at least sporadically as he has time.  And when we're done with our shift, we go out for a late lunch/early supper.  It has unexpectedly turned into a fun joint activity.

4.  Still no hair cut.

5.  Carey was sharing with me a conversation he had with his sister about walking in Walmart.  I've heard of mall walking back in the day, but we aren't near any malls.  So I will have to keep Walmart in mind for walking.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  out for burgers

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Spaghetti Casserole w/ garlic bread

Tuesday:  out for lupper (late lunch/supper)

Wednesday:  Crab-stuffed Salmon, Rice Pilaf, Salad

Thursday:  Chili

Friday:  Chicken Burrito Bowls

**designates meatless meal


  1. The library extension app sounds really helpful. Glad you are both enjoying volunteering at the library

    1. It was very easy. You do have to add your library or libraries name(s), but it was all pretty self explanatory.

  2. I'll have to check out that library feature.


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