
Friday, January 17, 2025

2025 Frugal Friday File, January 17...

1.  I recycled Amazon delivery boxes to make ornament organizers rather than buying pre-made.

2.  We ate leftovers two nights in a row, to avoid food waste.

3.  I received a check from our Medicare supplement company to reimburse some of my chiropractic treatments.

4.  I sewed some insignia patches on sports apparel for Jared.

5.  Semi-fail, and I don't care.  I had a semi-annual doctor appointment to review bloodwork.  Ferratin (stored iron) levels too high, so had to get phlebotomy...bad, bad veins...they have to access blood through my port...that's the only reason I have a port...drawing blood from it not easy...for them, pretty easy for me...except for the took two hours to remove a pint of blood...left exhausted...stopped for takeout on way home for supper.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  out for breakfast for dinner

Sunday:  Family supper with Kasey & Beau

Monday:  Twice-baked sweet potatoes w/ brisket from Beau's cookoff entry

Tuesday:  leftovers

Wednesday:  leftovers

Thursday:  Tex-Mex takeout

Friday:  ?


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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