
Friday, January 24, 2025

2025 Frugal Friday File, January 24...

1.  I feigned ignorance of menu at a drive through to stall for time.  The special price started at 5:00 p.m.  Didn't want to chance full-price as my clock said 4:59.  Hey, it saved five bucks!

2.  I'm binge watching Outlander as the Starz' cheap trial subscription needs to be cancelled by the end of the month so it doesn't auto renew at full price.

3.  When we go inside the store to shop, we take reusable cloth bags with us, but when we order curbside they put all items in plastic bags.  Normally we return the bags to the store for recycling.  But since returning from Colorado in November, I have been saving every plastic grocery bag we get.  While in Colorado I learned that their state restrictions mean that no bags are supplied with store purchase.  My friend said that plastic bags are 'like gold' and used as sparingly as possible to make each one last.  

    Since her birthday is this week (and we always exchange fun but frugal-ish packages on our birthdays), I used the bags that I had accumulated to cushion her boxes' contents.  This will be a reuse that will continue to be reused at their new home over and over.  

  I downloaded a free video meeting app so that friend and I could be together as she opened her birthday least virtually.  It was so fun, and I was pretty sure some of the items included in her gift box might need some explanation.  ;)

    (I'm sorry if readers find the use of plastic bags repugnant; the state I live in is not too eco conscious.  Carey and I try to do our part individually.)

4.  Same friend gifted me a viewing of a lovely documentary on Orthodoxy in Alaska over the last couple of centuries.  It was made by two filmmakers at her church.  Just finished watching it, and the scenery and message were very beautiful.

5.  I patched jeans, and figured out a way to adapt a design flaw on a couple of dusters that I will happily wear now.  I caught up on laundry.  Carey and I volunteered at the library today, and perhaps again tomorrow if needed, as the library received a donation of 6,000 books that need to be gone through.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  takeout Schlotzky sandwiches

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Pancakes, bacon, &eggs

Tuesday:  homecooked meal from freezer (15 Bean Soup)

Wednesday:  Broccoli Cheese Soup

Thursday:  out for Chinese

Friday:  Sweet Potato & Sausage Hash with Eggs


  1. How fun to share her birthday online with your friend 🎂. 6,000 books sounds overwhelmingly and I hope there were lots of usable ones.

    1. It was a good week fun wise. Every time I sat down to read I fell asleep, so not much progress on reading challenge.

  2. Outlander with fish and chips was our Friday night go-to. Now we have to wait FOREVER for the final season! I just read that there is going to be a spin-off, the story of Jamie's parents and Claire's parents. Should be interesting.

    1. Just finished current season. I had not heard about spin-offs! Very interesting.

  3. I am so glad I found your blog. I am a FB refugee and returning to the blogiverse because I want to find people with my same goals, without the other bad stuff that comes with social media. I am both a left and right nogginger too.

    Plastic bags are out in NY State, but some stores were allowed to use the for a while. For us, they are great as poop bags. I also used them for smaller waste bins.

    Now the only store that is handing out bags, is Dollar Tree. I use those in my recycle bin, since they are recyclable too. Most stores make you pay for a paper bag, but I think DT gives them away, so people aren't carrying their own bags and shoplifting.

    Regardless, those paper bags are an indispensable part of my frugal and eco-centric world!

  4. Well hi, Mrs. Murphy! Welcome! I left Fb years ago, and don't miss it. I still have an account, but only go in 2 or 3 times a year to see if anyone has messaged me.
    Glad you landed here and commented. Look forward to seeing you here.


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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