
Friday, October 11, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, October 11...


1.  Laying low.  Not leaving house much.  Working on a batch of cards for a group I swap with, and they took SO long, and were past their due date.  I just couldn't get them to meet the image I had in my head.  I was going for a kind of mod white tree, with sparkly, pastel-ly decorations.

Needless to say, this card will not be one I will send out to a large group at Christmas, as there is just not that much time before the holiday.  LOL

2.  I cancelled the Audible membership I used while cleaning out the garage.  I can still use it through 10/17, but it will cut off then, and I won't have to worry about it auto-paying for the next month.

3.  Enjoyed library book.  I finished and returned it early so the next person didn't have to wait.  Picked up the next one while I was there.  (Time got aways from me this week, so didn't get a What Are You Reading Wednesday post up.)

4.  Made a menu plan for the week and a grocery order.  I know I put this here almost every week, but it is SUCH an important part of staying within budget, and avoiding hungry trips for takeout.  

Somehow we ended up with an abundance (like a LOT) of eggs in the fridge last week.  We ate a lot of egg-rich meals, and even this week used them for supper one night and in tuna salad another.  I tried to make deviled eggs, but got the filling too runny, so I just added the chopped up egg whites and the overly-moist filling into tuna salad.  Doesn't sound great, but it wasn't half bad.

5.  Playing with an idea plan for a low-budget mini makeover in the guest room.

6(ish).  Not really mine, but worth a mention.  My sister just adopted a shelter dog today.  She made the decision a day or two ago, but they couldn't release him until he had been neutered.  So when she picked him up today, they told her he had been licking his incision, and would need a cone.  She stopped on the way home at PetSmart and got one.  Once they were home, sis realized that she had not see him licking at all, so she doubted he would need the cone.  I asked her if it cost enough to make it worth the trip to return it.  She couldn't remember what it cost, but while we were talking, she looked for and found the receipt.  $21!  She will definitely be returning.

On the menu this week:

**Saturday:  Potato/Broccoli/Cheese soup

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Scrambled eggs w/ smoked sausage

Tuesday:  Tuna Salad Sandwiches

Wednesday:  Chicken a la King

Thursday:  Chili

Friday:  Twice baked stuffed sweet potatoes

**designates meatless meal


  1. A good list. Did you post after pictures of the garage? If so I missed it but congratulations on getting it done.

    1. I have not posted after pictures of the garage yet. It took me a full week to get over it. I think the combination of heat and breathing in the dust and old papers, etc was not a good thing. Then I worked a week, and whined about it for a week after that. LOL I will try to get photos soon!


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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