That's Nancy Jo on the left, and me on the right. She's a whole eight months older than I am. Our daddies were brothers.
One of my very early memories is of an unsupervised moment of climbing and sitting on the kitchen table when we were toddlers. We were sticking our fingers in the butter, and then into the sugar bowl, and then into our mouths. We were discovered by her daddy who, when told that we were hungry, offered to fix us a ketchup sandwich. I think this sticks in my mind, because I'd never heard of a ketchup sandwich.
I'm so lucky. Lucky that our parents were friends, and that they remained close even after her daddy died so young. We visited on holidays. And summers. We took long summer trips together to visit our mutual Nebraska family...trips filled with fresh apple cider from roadside stands, and tornado warnings, and lightning bug safaris, and ALL those Nebraska cousins!
Happy Birthday, Cousin. I love you.