
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What I'm reading Wednesday...


Eleventh finish of the year.

Amusing heist story.  A group of five friends, who are discontented with the downhill trend of the quality at their assisted living facility, turn to a life of crime to make some money for better food and living it up a little.

Twelfth finish of the year.

I like to read a book or two set in Ireland during March to mark St. Patrick's Day.  

This one is about a Chicago police officer who, in a difficult time with both his job and marriage, decides to retire and move to Ireland.  I've read a lot of books about women who move to Ireland or Scotland, but I think this is the first I've read about a man who does it, and it totally worked.  There is a sequel, which I have reserved at the library (and I'm 12th in line for it).

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